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Here was my thanksgiving dinner pig back bone soup...delicious!! |
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Elder Bodan is the one in the middle. |
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this is called 제육덮밥 just spicy meat over rice. |
My new comp is Elder Trevor Bodan from Missouri. he
is super cool and funny I like him alot. He and I had a fun very first
experience together when he took the wrong train and we crossed the
river into the South mission. we got off at the very next stop got back
on and all was fine. I like him alot. My house mates are Elder Batschi
as you know and Elder Boyack, he is from Tuscon. (where exactly did we
live in Tuscon so I can tell him?)
Well life
here in 춘천 is great! It is quite a bit different from my last ward but I
like it alot. There is a HUGE size difference. The ward here is very
nice and I like the area. It is a college town so it makes me think of
my days at BYU alot and makes me realize how much i miss it and how much
it is going to rock me going back home. Also one perk off that is
REALLY cheap food. I got one of my favorite spicy meat dishes for 3
dollars! Elder Bodan and my house are pretty nice guys, Im excited to
work with all of them. I think it will be a good run here.
far as investigators go I haven't met a ton of them yet. I met a really
cool Chinese guy. He seemed like a pretty good guy. We didnt have alot
of time to teach him because he had to go back to his apartment to sign
something, so I just got to introduce myself to him and say hi.
also met another college aged student. WE taught him the Plan of
Salvation at kind of a rapid fire pace because we were running out of
time. It seemed like he understood it all pretty well. He had a couple
of questions that we answered and we gave him the pamphlet so he can
read that. Cool kid.
I am told that there are alot of cool people here that have alot of potential so I am super pumped for that.
studies this week I read a ton of Jesus the Christ paired with the
Bible. I have found that when I am just reading Jesus the Christ by its
self I tend to not focus as well because it is hard to understand, but
if i am reading it with the Bible it makes it easier. Also because it
was Thanksgiving i did the normal Thanksgiving thing of writing down and
studying gratitude. That was fun.
My miracle
is this Sunday was the Primary program here. I saw the primary program
in 금촌 with about 30 kids in it then the one in 춘천 with 3 kids in it.
Even though there were way less kids the Spirit was still as strong, the
same songs were song and there still was that screaming kid who sings
really loud. I wrote down in my notes that day that the church really is
the same everywhere whether you are in America, Korea or Zimbabwe, and
you can feel the Spirit in all of those places.
Also i LOVE the ward members here already. They are SO nice and really happy people.
Recent convert update: He received the gift of the Holy Ghost and
apparently the Priesthood this last Sunday. He is being fellow shipped
really well there and the ward loves him! He is also helping the
missionaries there teach the other investigators I had there helping 2
of them get baptismal date!!! he is already starting to influence lots
of people!! Love it!
Love you!!
Tell the grandparent goodbye for me. They are going to have to give me their email and keep me posted on Africa!!